Medal of Arts

The Medal of Arts award, first presented in 1993, is given annually in a rotating list of categories: artist, author, drama and theater, music as well as patron of the arts. It recognizes people who have contributed to the cultural life of the area in one of those categories.

Medal of Arts Recipients:

  • 2023: Craig Berndt

  • 2022: John Chalmers

  • 2020/2021: Priscilla Creaven; Deb Argast;  Sirleine Smith; Kathie Swaim-
    Combined due to Covid Pandemic - Patrons were honored w/ memorial concert

  • 2019: Kim Randinelli- Music

  • 2018: Lina M. Zerkle- Art

  • 2017: Kent & Shelley R. Johnson- Drama (Theater)

  • 2016: Fran R. & Don T. Mefford-Patrons

  • 2015: Thomas Laverghetta, music

  • 2014: Barbara Morrow, writer

  • 2013: Nina Bennett, artist

  • 2012: City of Auburn, patron of the arts

  • 2011: Jed Freels, drama

  • 2010: Marilyn Minard, music

  • 2009: Jane Kempf, writer

  • 2008: Mark Ober and Mable Bevington, artist

  • 2007: Tri Kappa Chapters, patron of the arts

  • 2006: F. & B. Buekers, music

  • 2005: Dave Kurtz, writer

  • 2004: Millie Hansen and Imogene Mavis, music

  • 2003: Mary Thiel, artist

  • 2002: Tim Albert, drama

  • 2001: Helen Pickering, patron of the arts

  • 2000: Hubert Stackhouse, writer

  • 1999: John D. Smith, music

  • 1998: Brian Baker, artist

  • 1997: Judy Waanders, patron of the arts

  • 1996: John Wilson, drama

  • 1995: Richard Norris, music

  • 1994: John Martin Smith, writer

  • 1993: Jeanne Gehring, artist.